
On the two types of steady hard X-ray states of GRS 1915+105


Using the data of 5 years of RXTE observations we investigate the X-ray spectral and timing properties of GRS 1915+105 during the hard steady states. According to the results of our simultaneous X-ray spectral and timing analysis the behavior the source during the hard steady states can be reduced to a couple of major distinct types. i) Type I states: The dominant hard component of the energy spectrum has characteristic quasi- exponential cut-off at 50-120 keV. The broad-band power density spectrum of the source shows significant high frequency noise component with a cut-off at 60-80 Hz. ii) Type II states: The hard spectral component has a break in its slope at ~12-20 keV. The high frequency part of the power density spectrum fades quickly lacking significant variability at frequencies higher than ~30 Hz. These two types of the X-ray hard states are also clearly distinguished by their properties in the radio band: while during the type I observations the source tends to be 'radio-quiet', the type II observations are characterized by high level of radio flux ('plateau' radio states). In this work we demonstrate aforementioned differences using the data of 12 representative hard steady state observations. We conclude that the difference between these two types can be probably explained in terms of different structure of the accretion flow in the immediate vicinity of the compact object due to presence of relativistic outflow of matter.Comment: 16 pages, including 3 figures, submitted to Astrophysical Journal Letter

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    Last time updated on 01/04/2019