This research has purposes to (1) describe the implementation of social media Instagram in learning narrative writing for the eleventh grade students of SMA Batik 1 Surakarta, (2) identify the difficulties of using Instagram in learning narrative writing for the eleventh grade students of SMA Batik 1 Surakarta, and (3) identify the solutions for the difficulties of using Instagram in learning narrative writing for the eleventh grade students of SMA Batik 1 Surakarta.
In conducting this research, the researcher applied descriptive qualitative study. This research was conducted at SMA Batik Surakarta, using the English teacher and students of the eleventh grade as the subject or informants in this research. The data in this research were in the form of interview results and some documents, while the sources of the data were the English teacher and students. In collecting the data in this research, the researcher applied interview and document analysis.
The findings of this research was divided into three, (1) the findings on the implementation of teaching and learning writing using Instagram showed that it consists the of several processes and each process give a clear information on the use of Instagram for the teaching and learning of writing. The process includes 1) Presenting materials and giving project focus on writing skill, 2) Asking the students to perform the assignment, and 3) Assessment aspect in the use of Instagram assignment. (2) The findings on the difficulties showed that that the difficulties are divided into two factors, the internal factors and the external factors. The internal factors were about the students’ quality of writing, the violation of the privacy of Instagram user, and the students’ discipline. Meanwhile, the external factors include the internet connection and access and the use of time. (3) The findings on the solutions for the difficulties of using Instagram in learning narrative writing showed that the English teacher has several advices for solving the problems appear, such as to use good provider to get good internet connection or access, to make a note on the idea for writing and arranging writing step by step to be able to submit assignment on time, to provide consultation for the students and help them with some vocabularies in order that students can have better writing, to suggest the students to maintain the Instagram account well and filter the information to be shared in order that to avoid violation of privacy in the user, and the last is to give rewards and punishment or consequences for dealing with the discipline of students