
A Catalogue of Galaxies in the HDF-South: Photometry and Structural Parameters


We describe the construction of a catalogue of galaxies in the optical field of the Hubble Deep Field South. The HDF-S observations produced WFPC2 images in U, B, V, and I, the version 1 data have been made public on 23 November 1999. The effective field of view is 4.38 arcmin2^2, and the 5Οƒ\sigma limiting magnitudes (in a FWHM aperture) are 28.87, 29.71, 30.19, 29.58 in the U, B, V and I bands, respectively. We created a catalogue for each pass-band (I814_{814}, V606_{606}, B450_{450}, U300_{300}), using simulations to account for incompleteness and spurious sources contamination. Along with photometry in all bands, we determined on the I814_{814}-selected catalogue (I814<26_{814}<26) structural parameters, such as a metric apparent size, derived from the petrosian radius, an asymmetry index, light concentration indexes and the mean surface brightness within the petrosian radius.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in A&ASS. The catalog is available in the source and at

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