We present a new analytic calculation for the redshift-space evolution of the
1-point galaxy Probability Distribution Function (PDF). The nonlinear evolution
of the matter density field is treated by second-order Eulerian perturbation
theory and transformed to the galaxy density field via a second-order local
biasing scheme. We then transform the galaxy density field to redshift space,
again to second order. Our method uses an exact statistical treatment based on
the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation to propagate the probability distribution of
the initial mass field to the final redshifted galaxy density field. We derive
the moment generating function of the PDF and use it to find a new, closed-form
expression for the skewness of the redshifted galaxy distribution. We show that
our formalism is general enough to allow a non-deterministic (or stochastic)
biasing prescription. We demonstrate the dependence of the redshift space PDF
on cosmological and biasing parameters. Our results are compared with existing
models for the PDF in redshift space and with the results of biased N-body
simulations. We find that our PDF accurately models the redshift space
evolution and the nonlinear biasing.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, submitted to MNRA