
Peran Ayah Dalam Penanaman Nilai-Nilai Spiritual Pada Anak


In general, parenting is the main role of the mother. Cultural role of the father more as the backbone and breadwinner of the family. Reality shows that the father's role is important for the child development and fathers' involvement will affect the development of cognitive, social, problem-solving skills, and adaptation to the environment. Dad is also responsible as a model in the planting of spiritual values to the child. This study aims to describe the role and process of father in instilling spiritual values in children. This research uses qualitative descriptive approach with purposive sampling. Defined 4 people as informants from 12 people involved in collaborative research with the characteristics: A father who works at a spiritual-based college; Have children under 30 years old; Javanese; Perform a role in instilling spiritual values. Data collection using in-depth interviews and documentation. The research result shows that: (1) The role of the father is shown through closeness, involvement and as a role model of spiritual for children either vertically or horizontally, (2) Planting spiritual values do father in the womb through the provision of a positive stimulus, method of socialization value Effective at the age of the children is with advice, giving examples and stories, as for teens is with discussion and giving examples. It was concluded that the right method, the closeness of father to the child and the patience of the father in dealing with the violation of the value of the child's influence on the process of internalization of spiritual values in childre

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