Molecular Connections between Cancer Cell Metabolism and the Tumor Microenvironment


Cancer cells preferentially utilize glycolysis, instead of oxidative phosphorylation,for metabolism even in the presence of oxygen. This phenomenon of aerobic glycolysis,referred to as the "Warburg effect", commonly exists in a variety of tumors. Recent studiesfurther demonstrate that both genetic factors such as oncogenes and tumor suppressors andmicroenvironmental factors such as spatial hypoxia and acidosis can regulate the glycolyticmetabolism of cancer cells. Reciprocally, altered cancer cell metabolism can modulate thetumor microenvironment which plays important roles in cancer cell somatic evolution,metastasis, and therapeutic response. In this article, we review the progression of currentunderstandings on the molecular interaction between cancer cell metabolism and the tumormicroenvironment. In addition, we discuss the implications of these interactions in cancertherapy and chemopreventi

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