
Changing competitive dynamics in the reinsurance industry: implications of changes in buyer behavior for reinsurance executives


This paper explores how reinsurers can meet the rapid changes occurring in their industry, arising from primary industry consolidation, and changes in cedent (insurance firm) buyer behavior toward bundled reinsurance products and alternative sources of capital. The paper makes the following suggestions for reinsurers. Reinsures need to be proactive in responding to changing patterns of premium volume and develop partnerships with global clients. Smaller reinsurers, in particular, will need to look to develop competitive niches and joint-ventures in order to be significant to these large cedents. Furthermore, reinsures need to continue investing in analytical expertise and resources in order to address the complex needs of their clients. Finally, reinsurers will be increasingly required to engage in alternative risk transfer products, and there will be early-mover advantages in doing so meaningfull

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