Better Fit: A Conceptual Solution for Seamless Exercise Experience


The development of fitness technology has changed the way we exercise over time, and each technology has allowed people to exercise independently in various ways, such as wearable devices, fitness apps, game consoles, and even social media. The consequence is that more people get used to exercising solely with their digital device and get motivated from virtual communities rather than in a real environment. However, the research shows there can be even more benefit for people by exercising with others in a physical space. The thesis utilizes UX design methodologies to develop a seamless-workout experience that enables a user to easily attend a group-exercise program in a health-club-based environment, targeting beginners to experienced enthusiasts and encouraging them to exercise in a group. This project investigated a number of exercise technologies and methodologies that involved user surveys and observations. The proposed solutions are integrated user-experience design methods, user-interface design, interaction design, motion design, and prototype design. The final deliverables of the project are an interactive prototype and a series of motion prototypes. The purpose of the motion prototypes is to present how a fluid motion design can enhance user experience

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