Nanostructured systems for drug delivery


Drug delivery refers to approaches for transporting drugs in the body, with the objective to achieve site-targeting in the organism. In order to achieve a controlled release of drugs, the use of nanocarriers in drug delivery has been proposed. Among the different types of nanocarriers assayed as drug delivery systems, polymeric micelles have been successful for biomedical applications. Polymeric micelles can be stabilized by crosslinking providing Cross-Linked Polymeric Micelles, in which the preformed micellar assemblies are blocked via covalent bonding. The aims of this research work are the design and synthesis of new amphiphilic block copolymers based on Pluronic F127 with the ability to self-arrange in water forming micelles, which will be photopolymerized in order to obtain cross-linked polymeric micelles, with applications as nanocarriers in drug delivery

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