HIV Case Reporting In Cambodia - Monitoring The Elimination Of HIV


Cambodia is preparing a scale-up of the Continuum of Care for people living with HIV with the goal of eliminating new HIV infections by 2020. To measure if Cambodia is reaching its goal it is necessary to obtain high-quality strategic information. This case study looked into how HIV Case Reporting, as one component of strategic information, facilitates the monitoring of the epidemic. Doing so, it was the ambition to provide inspiration for countries with concentrated and low-level epidemics. The purpose of the study was to explore challenges and opportunities of using case reporting in HIV surveillance, and to analyze the linkages between case reporting and healthcare access. This was done by comparing the Cambodian reporting system with global recommendations. National reporting tools were reviewed and later supplemented by expert’s inputs from workshops, published and un-published literature and questions addressed to key management personnel. It was concluded that Cambodian HIV case reporting largely implements globally recommended practices, however a major constraint is that individual-level data is not reported. This limits the utilization of data for monitoring purposes. Future developments should go hand in hand with stigma-reducing efforts as this could improve healthcare access, which is a prerequisite for valid case reporting

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