Svåra samtal inom sjukvården - ur kuratorns perspektiv


Abstract Author: Madelene Holmberg & Sara Knutsson Title: Difficult conversations in healthcare - from the counselor’s perspective. Supervisor: Anett Schenk Assessor: Anna Rypi The aim of this study was to investigate the healthcare counselor’s perspective on difficult conversations in their work, through interviews. More specific the aim was to examine how the counselors experience conversations with patients and dependants. Also, the aim was to find out if the counselors prepare themselves before a conversation and if they do, how they do it. What approaches they have towards patients and dependants and how the counselors handle reactions from them, and last but not least, if the counselors have a possibility to process their emotions and thoughts from a conversation, was also a part of the aim in this study. The main outcomes of the study was that the counselors described the value of supervision in their work, to have the possibility to reflect on their thoughts and feelings and difficulties in various patient cases. Also, to take part and learn from other counselors’ experiences. When it comes to the counselors’ approaches and professionality, they expressed the importance of flexibility, openness, and empathy as well as being able to keep the boundary between being private and personal. The different approaches helps the counselors to handle emotions and reactions from patients and dependants, as well as handling counselors’ own feelings and reactions. The counselors expressed that preparation before conversations are important and that they can be of both practical and emotional nature, such as reading patient’s journal or reflect on the patient case. On the question of whether social work education has prepared the counselors for their work in healthcare, only one of them said that she felt prepared. Instead, they expressed that they have learned through experience. Key words: preparation, approaches, professional attitude, supervision, professional theor

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