
Revisiting No-Scale Supergravity Inspired Scenarios


We consider no-scale supergravity inspired scenarios, emphasizing the possible dynamical determination of the soft supersymmetry-breaking parameters as triggered by the radiative corrections that lift an essentially flat tree-level potential in the hidden sector. We (re)emphasize the important role played by the scale-dependent vacuum energy contribution to the effective potential for the occurrence of consistent no-scale minima. The most relevant input parameters are introduced as B0B_0 (the soft breaking mixing Higgs parameter) and η0\eta_0 (the cosmological constant value at high energy) instead of \mhalf and tanβ\tan \beta, the latter being determined through a (generalized) potential minimization at electroweak scales. We examine the theoretical and phenomenological viability of such a mechanism when confronted with up-to-date calculations of the low energy sparticle spectrum and with present constraints from the LHC and other observables. The tight dark matter relic density constraint for a neutralino LSP scenario can be considerably relaxed for a gravitino LSP scenario possible in this framework.Comment: Proceedings of the 2011 Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, EPS-HEP 2011, July 21-27, 2011 Grenoble, Rh\^one-Alpes, Franc

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