The importance of professional competences of a primary school teacher in the implementation of the curriculum content of communication education


The paper presents traffic-related hazards, in particular to its young and vulnerable participants. A list was provided of road accidents that primary school students from the region of Silesia, in particular the city of Bytom participated in, together with an indication of their causes. Research was carried out among teachers of primary schools from Bytom, responsible for teaching elements of road safety, in particular to unprotected participants in traffic, aimed at determining the degree of professional preparation in this area. The cooperation of primary schools and teachers with institutions responsible for road safety were presented, such as: Municipal Police Headquarters, Municipal Police, Regional Road Traffic Centre, and others, aimed at improving child safety, as well as increasing the communication skills of teachers, through active participation in trainings and workshops, and by promoting the principles of safe participation in road traffic. Education in the field of road safety for its youngest participants should be a priority in the activities of all people and organizations, in particular teachers, who care about the safety of children and adults.Fabian Andruszkiewicz – prof. dr hab., Uniwersytet OpolskiKomenda Główna Policji, Biuro Ruchu Drogowego, Wypadki drogowe w Polsce w 2018, Dane Komisji Europejskiej, DG MOVE baza CARE, opracowano w Polskim Obserwatorium Ruchu Drogowego (POBR) ITS Warszawa 2019.Leśniewska-Matusiak J., Dąbrowska-Loranc M., Z Agatką na drodze, Instytut Transportu Samochodowego, Fundacja Zapobieganie Wypadkom Drogowym, Warszawa 2008.Nowak T. (red.), „Życie Bytomskie” z dnia 15.04.2019.Zbyszyński M., Bezpieczeństwo niechronionych uczestników ruchu drogowego – stan obecny i przyszły, „Transport Samochodowy” 2017, nr 1.Polskie Obserwatorium Bezpieczeństwa Ruchu Drogowego, (dostęp: 27.08.2019).19520

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