Urinary Recovery of Dicyandiamide (DCD) Pulse-Dosed into the Rumen of Non-Lactating Dairy Cows, and the Effects of Applying Urine with DCD to Lysimeters on Nitrous Oxide and Nitrate Leaching in Ireland


Urine excreted by dairy cows is a source of nitrogen (N) to the sward. The N content of urine is high, up to 1000 kg N/ha and is usually in excess of sward requirements. Surplus N is usually lost through a number of pathways including nitrate (NO3-) leaching and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. Dicyandiamide (DCD), a nitrification inhibitor, has been shown to reduce NO3- leaching and N2O emissions when applied as a fine particle suspension (FPS) to grazed paddocks. The objectives of the study were to: (1) quantify the recovery of DCD in the urine when DCD was pulse-dosed DCD into the rumen of non-lactating dairy cows; and (2) to examine the effects of urine collected from dairy cows pulse-dosed with DCD on N2O emissions and NO3- leaching using lysimeters

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