Motivasi Belajar pada Siswa Sistem Zonasi di SMA N 1 Wonosari


The education system is an important thing that needs to be initiated by a country, which makes it a benchmark for the progress of a nation, therefore it is of particular concern including in terms of learning motivation in human resources. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of learning motivation in students of the zoning system. Data were obtained from 120 informants with established criteria, namely students of the zoning system in SMA N 1 Wonosari Klaten, who were participating in learning at the school. This study uses a qualitative approach, the data collection technique used in this study is an open questionnaire. The results of the study revealed that the picture of zonation system student learning motivation in SMA N 1 Wonosari Klaten is quite low this is because the resources received using the zoning system have below average learning motivation, so there is an element of student coercion in continuing education at the school, but in the learning process students still have a high sense of responsibility in terms of improving achievement by always trying to be diligent in doing schoolwork. Keywords: Learning motivation, in students zoning system

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