Entrepreneurship, Capacity Development and Youth Employment Generation: A Study of Selected Sub-Saharan Africa Countries


This study examined entrepreneurship, capacity development and youth employment generation in 20 selected sub-Saharan African countries from 2005 to 2017. The study employed the fixed effect Panel estimator on the secondary annual data sourced for the study. Findings from the study can be considered in two categories. One, findings show that human capital development and institutional quality positively but insignificantly affect youth employment generation in the selected countries while macroeconomic instability is intuitively observed to exert a positively insignificant influence on youth employment generation. Two, findings also show that entrepreneurial activities and infrastructural development are important determinants of youth employment generation in the selected countries. The implication of these findings is that entrepreneurial activities and infrastructural development should be of concern to the government and policy makers as they are observed to be significant determinant of youth employment generation. Therefore, as a matter of policy implication/recommendation the government of these African Countries should ensure that the conclusion of this study is considered and implemented, increase expenditure on health and education in order to speed up human capital development, and make considerable effort to reduce the large informal sector by putting in place laws and rule that will ensure that the activities of the self-employed people are recognized and accounted for on a large scale

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