This paper includes two distinct but related elements:
1. It raises issues surrounding how Interactive
Evolutionary Design (IED) systems are developed and
their adoption by industry; 2. It describes an existing
IED system known as ‘Evolutionary Form Design’
(EFD). These elements are linked through the
proposal that the EFD system can contribute to
addressing the issues raised.
The paper opens with the suggestion that investigation
is needed into the disappointing uptake of IED in
commercial industrial design. Preliminary enquiries
suggest that awareness of the technology in the design
community is minimal. Concern is also expressed
with the apparent lack of end-user participation in IED
development. Reasons for these issues are suggested.
The next section provides an overview of the EFD
system’s implementation within a CAD system, and
its representation employing blended geometric
primitives interacting through Boolean operators.
Some distinctive features are then described: control
of Boolean interaction, edge blending strategies, a
team-forming algorithm and machine-based geometric
and aesthetic optimization. The section ends by listing
the system’s strengths pertaining to its suitability for
use in the proposed user-trials and outreach activities
that are outlined in the last section.
Conclusions re-affirm that the described EFD system
overcomes some of the perceived barriers to greater
uptake in design practice and will be further developed
via inter-disciplinary collaboration and greater user