A colour may have a different appearance under different viewing conditions. This
causes many problems in the colour reproduction industry. Thus the importance of
prediction of colour appearance has arisen. In this study, a mathematical model to
predict colour appearance was developed based on the investigation of the changes of
colour appearance under a wide range of media and viewing conditions.
The media studied included large cut-sheet transparency films, 35mm projected
slides, reflection samples and monitor colours. The viewing conditions varied were light
source, luminance level and viewing background. Colour appearance was studied using
the magnitude estimation technique.
In general, colours appeared more colourful, lighter and brighter with an increase
in luminance level. Background and flare light had considerable influence on colour
appearance for cut-sheet transparency media. Simultaneous contrast effects occurred
when a monitor colour was displayed against a chromatic surround. The monitor colour
appeared lighter with a darker induction field. When a coloured area was enlarged,
lightness tended to increase while colourfulness tended to decrease. Colour appearance
was also affected by the closest neighbouring colour. In this case, the hue of the colour
largely shifted towards the direction of the opponent hue of the induction colour.
The data obtained were applied to test three colour spaces and two colour
appearance models. For reflection media, the Hunt91 model performed the best.
However it was not satisfactory when applied to transmissive media. Based on these
results, the Hunt93 model was developed by modification of the Hunt91 model. The new
model widens the application range of the Hunt91 and is reversible