We consider a branching population where individuals have i.i.d.\ life
lengths (not necessarily exponential) and constant birth rate. We let Nt​
denote the population size at time t. %(called homogeneous, binary
Crump--Mode--Jagers process). We further assume that all individuals, at birth
time, are equipped with independent exponential clocks with parameter δ.
We are interested in the genealogical tree stopped at the first time T when
one of those clocks rings. This question has applications in epidemiology, in
population genetics, in ecology and in queuing theory.
We show that conditional on {T<∞}, the joint law of (NT​,T,X(T)), where X(T) is the jumping contour process of the tree truncated
at time T, is equal to that of (M,−IM​,YM′​) conditional on
{Mî€ =0}, where : M+1 is the number of visits of 0, before some single
independent exponential clock e with parameter δ rings, by
some specified L{\'e}vy process Y without negative jumps reflected below its
supremum; IM​ is the infimum of the path YM​ defined as Y killed at its
last 0 before e; YM′​ is the Vervaat transform of YM​.
This identity yields an explanation for the geometric distribution of NT​
\cite{K,T} and has numerous other applications. In particular, conditional on
{NT​=n}, and also on {NT​=n,T<a}, the ages and residual lifetimes of
the n alive individuals at time T are i.i.d.\ and independent of n. We
provide explicit formulae for this distribution and give a more general
application to outbreaks of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the hospital