The Examination of Preschool Teacher Candidates' Peer Conflict Resolution Suggestions during Picture Storybook Reading


Given the importance of teachers' role in creating positive social - emotional climate, it is surprising that very few studies have investigated teacher's practice on peer conflict resolution strategies. The aim of this study is to examine the use of peer conflict resolution strategies by preschool teacher candidates. Qualitative method was preferred for the study. 21 preschool teacher candidates participated in this study. A picture storybook and an audo recorder are used for the study. The book depicts a series of negative peer relationships. The voices of each preschool teacher candidate were recorded in a room arranged as preschool while they read a picture storybook with no printed text. All of the stories were rated by the author and a research assistant trained by the author based on Buchanan's classification. The intraclass correlation for interrater reliability was 0.81 ( p <- .01) for 21 cases. This Cohen Kappa level reflects fairly high level of interobserver agreement. Results indicated that preschool teacher candidates suggest verbal aggression and avoidance strategies than physical aggression strategies

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