
Vibration and shock in vehicles: new challenges, new methods, new solutions


There are many components that contribute to the overall feeling of comfort in a vehicle. One of the important components in the exposure to vibration. Vibration can cause an acute increase in discomfort. Furthermore, the presence of vibration accelerates the onset of discomfort for long duration exposures. It is therefore important that vibration remains a key consideration in the development of vehicle seats. There are currently two opportunities for vibration research in vehicles. The development of autonomous cars means that the assumptions relating to driving task and posture are no longer valid and therefore new seats will need to be developed that allow for the variety of tasks that an autonomous occupant will need to complete. Small fast boats can expose their occupants to significant vibration and shock affecting the comfort, performance and health of the crew. There are a multitude of potential control measures that can be implemented as part of a control strategy including design of boat and seat, and operational design

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