The success of non-native bilingualism in Poland


Non-Native Bilingualism (NNB) is a condition where parents share the same native language living in the community where their native language is predominantly used and the child is always addressed by either parent or both in a language which is not their native language. The study of NNB was inspired by parents who had decided to practise NNB despite the critical warnings from some researchers. The question about NNB is not whether it exists, works or is worth trying or not, but why and how NNB families deal with nonnative language learning at home, as well as what factors may influence the child's upbringing in NNB. To understand the project and NNB, the holistic thinking style is presented with the emphasis on the numerous factors involved in the process of the Non-Native Child's upbringing. The role of the social factor and history of the society that influence the notion of success are discussed in the article

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