
Near-Saturation Conditions at the Tropical Tropopause: Results from Ticosonde


The TTL lies between the neutral buoyancy level (NBL) at ~350 K and the tropopause. Within the the TTL radiative heating drives ascent and air parcel supersaturation. Ticosonde measurements since 2005 show that the incidence ofsupersaturation in the TTL over Costa Rica is ~60%. This is due to diabatic ascent. The frequency is highest (68%) in summer, when convection is frequent. The TSL was defined by Selkirk et al. (2010) as the upper edge of the TTL. It isIn this layer that the final saturation of air parcels rising into the stratosphere occurs and thus the water vapor minima which define the so-called "writehead" of the Atmospheric Tape Recorder

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