Let X=(X1β,...,Xdβ) be a random vector, whose components are not
necessarily independent nor are they required to have identical distribution
functions F1β,...,Fdβ. Denote by Nsβ the number of exceedances among
X1β,...,Xdβ above a high threshold s. The fragility index, defined by
FI=limsββE(Nsββ£Nsβ>0) if this limit exists, measures the
asymptotic stability of the stochastic system X as the threshold
increases. The system is called stable if FI=1 and fragile otherwise. In this
paper we show that the asymptotic conditional distribution of exceedance counts
(ACDEC) pkβ=limsββP(Nsβ=kβ£Nsβ>0), 1β€kβ€d, exists, if the
copula of X is in the domain of attraction of a multivariate extreme
value distribution, and if
limsββ(1βFiβ(s))/(1βFΞΊβ(s))=Ξ³iββ[0,β) exists for
1β€iβ€d and some ΞΊβ1,...,d. This enables the computation of
the FI corresponding to X and of the extended FI as well as of the
asymptotic distribution of the exceedance cluster length also in that case,
where the components of X are not identically distributed