Rose window graphs underlying rotary maps


Given natural numbers ▫nge3n ge 3▫ and ▫1lea1 le a▫, ▫rlen1r le n-1▫, the rose window graph ▫Rn(a,r)R_n(a,r)▫ is a quartic graph with vertex set ▫xivertiinmathbbZncupyivertiinmathbbZn{x_i verti in {mathbb Z}_n } cup {y_i verti in {mathbb Z}_n }▫ and edge set ▫xi,xi+1vertiinmathbbZncupyi,yi+1vertiinmathbbZncupxi,yivertiinmathbbZncupxi+a,yivertiinmathbbZn{{x_i, x_{i+1}} verti in {mathbb Z}_n } cup {{y_i, y_{i+1}} verti in {mathbb Z}_n } cup {{x_i, y_i} verti in {mathbb Z}_n} cup {{x_{i+a}, y_i} verti in {mathbb Z}_n }▫. In this paper rotary maps on rose window graphs are considered. In particular, we answer the question posed in [S. Wilson, Rose window graphs, Ars Math. Contemp. 1 (2008), 7-19.] concerning which of these graphs underlie a rotary map

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