Constitutive Parameter Measurement Using Double Ridge Waveguide


Electromagnetic materials characterization is important in the design of systems that interact with electromagnetic waves. Determining the constitutive parameters of a material is a vast area of research and practice. For this paper, discussion will focus on a destructive method using waveguides in the frequency range of 6-18 GHz. Traditional methods to perform similar measurements include using coaxial cable, stripline, focus beam and rectangular waveguides. This work will use Double Ridged Waveguide (DRWG) to compare to these other methods and will discuss the attributes and drawbacks of this new approach. The most similar method utilizes rectangular waveguide, so the primary focus will be on comparisons this method with DRWG. The significant advantage to using DRWG is the increase in available measurement bandwidth. The challenges include sample fabrication and increased mathematical difficulty in finding the cutoff frequency for DRWG. These challenges are addressed and measurement results are examined

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