High-precision quasienergies for a driven two-level atom at the two-photon preresonance


Journal ArticleA computation with unprecedented precision is presented for quasienergies of a two-level atom in a monochromatic radiation on the basis of a recently obtained exact expression [D.-S. Guo et al., Phys. Rev. A 73,023419 (2006)]. We start with the proof of an expression theorem. With this theorem the quasienergies for any two-level atom can be expressed in terms of the quasienergies for only those with the original energy spacing (per field photon energy) being an integer (preresonances). Then we carry out a numerical evaluation of the quasienergies at the two-photon preresonance, which involves computing an infinite determinant, up to the 18th power of the coupling strength. The theoretical prediction presents an experimental challenge for highprecision tests of quantum mechanics and could be exploited for precise calibration of high laser intensities

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