College and Career Awareness in Elementary Schools


Greenfield Union School District provides the educational needs of students, K-6, who are economically disadvantaged, English learners, and special education. Data shows that students in the Greenfield Union School District have low academic performance in English, Mathematics, and other subjects. One reason for low academic performance is the lack of student engagement in school. The capstone project attempted to encourage student engagement, by increasing students’ knowledge and awareness about college and careers. Three 5th grade classes participated in the college activities. The capstone project consisted of four college awareness sessions. The sessions included activities which expanded students’ knowledge about career exploration, college terminology, researching skills, college culture, and college tips and skills. Data collected through a pre-survey and post-survey indicated that students gained knowledge and awareness of college and career topics. As a result of the project, students’ knowledge about college terminology increased. Also, there was a noticeable increase in student engagement

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