
Reporting corporate sustainability and the challenges of political rhetoric


Where organisations set out their sustainable values and make publically available their sustainable strategy, the rhetoric establishes an agenda against which, should deviation occur, the company can be publically held to account. As a result of recent scandals, it is not surprising that some people remain cautious or even cynical with regard to corporate sustainability, especially where it is found that the actual practices of an organisation are different to that reported. The research provides a review of company reports to identify how multinational organisations advocate their sustainable position. Both construction and non-construction companies are considered with regard to the use of the term 'sustainable'. The review finds that the multinational organisations, both construction and non-construction have in recent years provided a position on sustainability. While heavy construction companies are setting a commitment toward sustainability, the positions stated against which the companies may be measured are often vague. There were, however, company reports where commitments to sustainability were detailed and the statements could be considered measureable. Nevertheless, most company reports use sustainability terms that remain generic and lend themselves to a more flexible approach to sustainability or, cynically, are providing the rhetoric for public relations

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