Cattle Management System: A Case of Pakistan


The aim of the project is to provide various services to the buyers like they can select the cattle of their choice to buy or also they can sell any of their cattle on the website at the desirable selling price. Cattle Management System is a web based application that allows the administrator to handle all the activities online like selling and purchasing of various animals by the needful people quickly and safely. Using Interactive GUI anyone can quickly learn to use the complete system. Using this, the administrator doesn’t have to sit and manage the entire activities on paper and at the same time, the head will feel comfortable to keep check of the whole system just with the availability of internet. This system will give him power and flexibility to manage the entire system from the single online portal. Keywords: Cattle Management System, Online Sale Purchase, Ghazi Farm, Web Applications DOI: 10.7176/JIEA/9-6-03 Publication date:October 31st 201

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