
Prisutnost proračunskih deficita posljedica je nedostatne visine prikupljenih prihoda kojim bi se pokrili ukupni izdatci u tekućoj godini. Država taj manjak pokušava namiriti koristeći se zaduživanjem. Zaduživati se može unutar države ili putem inozemnih izvora financiranja. Sve veće zaduživanje dovodi do gomilanja duga pa se bilježi konstantan rast ukupnog duga opće države. Korištenjem fiskalnih politika, država pokušava uravnotežiti javne prihode i rashode s ciljem smanjenja proračunskog deficita i javnog duga. Analizom proračunskog deficita i javnog duga u promatranom razdoblju (2008.-2017.), može se zaključiti kako je svjetska financijska kriza, koja je započela 2008. godine, uvelike utjecala na gospodarsko stanje Hrvatske, ali u zemalja članica EU. Dok su se europske zemlje relativno brzo oporavile od šoka, recesija u Hrvatskoj je bila puno dublja i dugotrajnija. Njezin oporavak započeo je 2014. godine izlaskom iz krize, te je 2017. zabilježen suficit u saldu opće države, dok se javni dug neznatno smanjio 2016. godine te opet narastao u 2017. godini.The presence of budget deficits is a consequence of the insufficient amount of revenue collected to cover total expenditure in the current year. The state government is trying to make up for this deficit by borrowing. Borrowing can be done internally or through foreign sources of financing. Increasing borrowing leads to a build-up of debt and a steady increase in general government debt. By using fiscal policies, the government tries to balance public revenues and expenditures with the aim of reducing the budget deficit and public debt. An analysis of the budget deficit and public debt over the review period of time (2008-2017), shows that the global financial crisis, which began in 2008, had a major impact on the economic situation of Croatia, but in the Member States of the EU as well. While European countries recovered relatively quickly from shock, the recession in Croatia was much deeper and longer lasting. Its recovery began in 2014 with the exit of the crisis and achieved a surplus in the general government balance in 2017, while public debt declined slightly in 2016 and increased again in 2017

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