
Interpolation of Hilbert and Sobolev Spaces:\ud Quantitative Estimates and Counterexamples


This paper provides an overview of interpolation of Banach and Hilbert spaces, with a focus on establishing when equivalence of norms is in fact equality of norms in the key results of the theory. (In brief, our conclusion for the Hilbert space case is that, with the right normalisations, all the key results hold with equality of norms.) In the final section we apply the Hilbert space results to the Sobolev spaces Hs(Ω)H^s(\Omega) and H~s(Ω)\tilde{H}^s(\Omega), for sRs\in \mathbb{R} and an open ΩRn\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^n. We exhibit examples in one and two dimensions of sets Ω\Omega for which these scales of Sobolev spaces are not interpolation scales. In the cases when they are interpolation scales (in particular, if Ω\Omega is Lipschitz) we exhibit examples that show that, in general, the interpolation norm does not coincide with the intrinsic Sobolev norm and, in fact, the ratio of these two norms can be arbitrarily large

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