Normative and Institutional Aspect of Self-management in Work Organizations and Agriculture


The article is the result of an examination of the statutes and other normative acts 111 six agricultural work organizations, and it discusses separately the normative ana institutional conditions of self-management. The authoress deals in greater detail with what he regards as the basic condition tor an intensive^ participation of workers, and with their motives for participation. She then points out one of the elements of these motives, i. e. the workers being informed about operational developments in the work organization She believes that one of the most important means of information — i. e. autonomous acts — is inadequate in many respects. The normative acts of the work organizations studied by the authoress have in most cases been copied partly from legal acts and partly from the acts of other work organizations; they are written in an involved style which workers cannot understand; at the same time they are non-functional as can be seen from the fact that they are frequently rewritten. a i^S *a the mechanism of direct management itself is not consistently developed First o fall, according to the authoress, the system of links and relations between the various levels of management within the work organization is too complicated. After stating that he complicated nature of the mechanism of management is one of the reasons for its ineffectiveness, the authoress describes the mosl frequent cases resulting from this ineffectivenes. The worst consequence of inef fectiveness, in her view, is the »subversion of the democratic process«, which however, is difficult to prove with figures since it would require detailed investigation. In conclusion the authoress puts foward the view that the use of a simpler and clearer language in normative acts and consistent work on the education and instruction of workers could ensure that the system of direct management acquires its full meaning in this particular branch of the economy

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