Bulletin of the University of Notre Dame The Law School 1963-64, Volume 60, Number 3


The Notre Dame Law School, established in 1869, is the oldest Catholic law school in the United States. In keeping with its character as a national law school, the program of instruction is designed to equip a student to practice law in any jurisdiction; and the School numbers among its graduates members of the bar in every state of the Union. It is approved by the American Bar Association and is a member of the Association of American Law Schools. PURPOSE Drawing inspiration, as it does, from the Christian tradition, The Law School, while aiming first of all at technical proficiency, aims at more than that. Its primary purpose is to impart the knowledge and cultivate the skills a lawyer needs to represent his clients effectively in a twentieth-century, workaday world. But professional competence is not enough: The Law School believes that lawyers and law schools must face the great questions concerning the nature of man and of society, the origin and purpose of law and the lawyer\u27s role in society. These questions are given searching examination throughout the curriculum, particularly in a course on the history of the legal profession in the first year, a natural law seminar in the second year and a course on jurisprudence in the third year. Thus the School systematically endeavors to illuminate the great jurisprudential issues which, especially in this fateful age, insistently press for answer; and to make clear the ethical principles and inculcate the ideals which should actuate a lawyer. The School believes that a lawyer is best served, and the community as well, if he possesses not only legal knowledge and legal skills but also a profound sense of the ethics of his profession-and something else which the curriculum is likewise designed to cultivate: pride in the legal profession and a fierce partisanship for justice. In short, the aim is to graduate men competent to practice law successfully who are at the same time equipped for responsible leadership in a troubled world. OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION Advisory Council OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION (Faculty) Academic Calendar Housing and Health Student Activities Notre Dame Lawyer, Moot Court Requirements for Admission and Graduation THE PROGRAM OF COURSES IN LAW Summer Session Fees and Expenses Financial Aids SCHOLARSHIPS, LOANS Natural Law Institute Notre Dame Law Associatio

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