

The Health Sciences University of Hokkaido established School of Psychological Sciences consisting of Department of Communication Disorders and Department of Clinical Psychology at 2002. The Department of Communication Disorders was the 10th Japanese higher educational institution of a 4 year-course to speech therapists (ST), the medical profession by the national license, corresponding to the speech language pathologists and audiologists in United States. The higher education to ST has been underdeveloped compared with medical education to medical, dental, pharmaceutical, nursing and other health professions. During the first 4 years, our departments reformed the curriculum, including various problem-based small group learning classes, anatomy and physiology class including dissection of gross anatomy using animal organs and physiological experiments, objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), integrated classes for various skills for ST and clinical experiences using problem-based learning, based on the model core-curriculum for ST education which we proposed at first in Japan. In addition we started the graduate school for ST at 2006 ; this is the first school to aim to develop the higher professional capability of ST including clinical ability in Japan

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