

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the issues in research on cultural identity formation in intercultural children with Japanese ancestry. Namely, the "diversity of intercultural children", "the problems of the research methods" "research points", and "research ethics" will be addressed. Because of the diversity of intercultural children, qualitative research (especially, case studies), fieldwork, long-term/longitudinal research, analysis of secondary data, interdisciplinary research/research attitudes and research by the intercultural child himself/herself are considered as the useful research methods. Then, analysis of the cultural identity formation process in intercultural children by case study method, concrete education/support for cultural identity formation, social utilization of research resultrs are mentiond as research points. Finally, research ethics, such as the obligation to maintain personal privacy are discussed. The research on cultural identity formation in intercultural children with Japanese ancestry has just begun. The results of this research are expected in the future

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