Analysis of Blast Loading Effect on High Rise Buildings


This paper presents the dynamic response of a High Rise Structure subjected to blast load. The fundamentals of blast hazards and the interaction of blast waves with structures are examined in this study it is about the lateral stability of a high rise building modeled using SAP2000. The model building was subjected to two different charge weights of 800lbs and 1600lbs TNT at a two different standoff distances of 5m and 10m.The blast loads are calculated using the methods outlined in section 5 of TM5-1300 and a nonlinear modal analysis is used for the analysis of the dynamic load of the blast. The primary performance parameters that will be used to evaluate the behavior of the building from a global perspective are the total drift and the inter-storey drift. They are good indicators of nonstructural damage, collapse and ability of the structure to resist P-delta effect. Behavior of R.C frame and concrete infill frame will be computed in Dynamic condition Keywords: Blast loading; Inter-storey Drift; Standoff Distance; TNT; Positive Phas

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