
In this paper we present a self consistent theoretical approach for the calculation of the Survival Probability for central dijet production . These calculations are performed in a model of high energy soft interactions based on two ingredients:(i) the results of N=4 SYM, which at the moment is the only theory that is able to deal with a large coupling constant; and (ii) the required matching with high energy QCD. Assuming, in accordance with these prerequisites, that soft Pomeron intercept is rather large and the slope of the Pomeron trajectory is equal to zero, we derive analytical formulae that sum both enhanced and semi-enhanced diagrams for elastic and diffractive amplitudes. Using parameters obtained from a fit to the available experimental data, we calculate the Survival Probability for central dijet production at energies accessible at the LHC. The results presented here which include the contribution of semi-enhanced and net diagrams, are considerably larger than our previous estimates.Comment: 11 pages, 10 pictures in .eps file

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