
The role of the preschool in early autism detection and intervention


Autizam je kompleksan poremećaj koji se kreće na kontinuumu od visokofunkcionirajućih do niskofunkcionirajućih autista. Principom inkluzije sva djeca s poteškoćama imaju pravo biti uključena u redovne programe odgoja i obrazovanja pa dječji vrtić ima važnu ulogu u otkrivanju autizma. Nedovoljna educiranost i nekompetentnost odgojitelja uvelike otežava inkluzivni odgoj i obrazovanje jer se javljaju problemi pri pružanju odgovarajuće podrške autističnom djetetu. Pravovremena intervencija od strane odgojitelja, koji dobro poznaje faze tipičnog razvoja djece ,upućena stručnom timu vrtića kojeg čine rehabilitator, logoped, psiholog i pedagog može doprinijeti ranom otkrivanju, koje ima važnu ulogu u daljnjem napretku djeteta s autizmom. Iako nitko iz vrtićkog okruženja ne može postaviti dijagnozu dovoljno je uputiti roditelja dječjem pedijatru koji će poduzeti daljnje korake u otkrivanju autizma. Bihevioralni tretmani, kao i drugi programi podrške koje mogu provoditi isključivo certificirani terapeuti pokazali su se kao učinkoviti intervencijski programi u liječenju djece s autizmom. Vrtićki tim može koristiti dijelove pojedinih programa u suglasnosti s roditeljima svakog djeteta s autizmom.Autism is a complex disorder in the continuum of highly functional down to low functional autistics. Through inclusion, all children with disorders have the right to be included in the regular educational programmes so kindergarten has an important role in detecting autism. Insufficient education and incompetency of the kindergarten teachers imposes difficulties in inclusive education due to problems with providing adequate support to the autistic child. Timely intervention from the kindergarten teachers with sufficient knowledge of typical child development phases and the cooperation with the expert team, consisting of rehabilitator, speech therapist, psychologist and pedagogue, can lead to early recognition of autism, what has a very important role in the future progress of autistic child. Kindergarten experts are not educated to diagnose, but it is enough to suggest to the parent to go to a paediatrician who will take certain steps to recognize autism. Behavioural treatments together with other support programmes provided by certified therapists have been proven as the efficient intervention programmes in the treatment of the autistic children. Kindergarten team can use parts of certain programmes in their work, but only with the consent of the parents of autistic children

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