Low temperature dielectric properties of Ca0.7Nd0.3Ti0.7Al0.3O3 microwave ceramics


CaTiO3-NdAlO3 based ceramic composites with the nominal composition Ca0.7Nd0.3Ti0.7Al0.3O3 was synthesized by the conventional ceramic method and the dielectric measurements were carried out as a function of frequency (1KHz-4MHz) in the temperature range of 150-303 K. The complex impedance spectroscopy (CIS) analysis has been carried out to investigate the influence of its microstructure on electrical properties as a function of temperature and frequency. Impedance studies indicated the presence of a temperature dependent relaxation process in the material with a spread of relaxation times. Microwave measurement at low temperatures reveals that these systems has a slight increase in dielectric constant as temperature decreases and a loss tangent peak around 50Kelvin

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