
Design of a Web-base Paper submission and reviewing system (PSRS)


Conference planning, organ1zat1on and administration are very tedious tasks in most cases the conference pm~ramme comm1ttee has to convene several rneetmgs where submitted papers (via ema1ls in most cases) are downloaded. discussed and accepted or rejected for presentation at the conference Thats paper ~;resents the design of a web-based conference paper management system which factl1tates easy and efficient review of technical submiss1ons to conferences. Our proposed system stores authors' Information. abstracts. papers and reviewers comments. The process of assignment of papers to reviewers is done using a set of objective parameters to determine the most swtabie reviewers for each micle. The system a;w collates camera ready accepted papers to generate conference proceeding for the conference This work will reduce the amount of paperwork and the need for severa1 meet1ngs by the programme committee thus making conference organization a pleasure Also the effectiveness of · conference organization and management will be substantially improve

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