
Modified mean curvature flow of star-shaped hypersurfaces in hyperbolic space


We define a new version of modified mean curvature flow (MMCF) in hyperbolic space Hn+1\mathbb{H}^{n+1}, which interestingly turns out to be the natural negative L2L^2-gradient flow of the energy functional defined by De Silva and Spruck in \cite{DS09}. We show the existence, uniqueness and convergence of the MMCF of complete embedded star-shaped hypersurfaces with fixed prescribed asymptotic boundary at infinity. As an application, we recover the existence and uniqueness of smooth complete hypersurfaces of constant mean curvature in hyperbolic space with prescribed asymptotic boundary at infinity, which was first shown by Guan and Spruck.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figure

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