
An electron microscopic study of GABAergic neurons and terminals in the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus of the rat.


Neurons and terminals in the ventral lateral portion of the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (ICCN) of the rat were labelled immunocytochemically with antisera to GABA or to its synthesizing enzyme, glutamic acid decarboxylase. Four types of GABAergic neuron are described: small, medium-sized and large multipolar neurons, as well as medium-sized bipolar neurons. All sizes of GABAergic multipolar neurons are characterized by highly infolded nuclei, many mitochondria and both asymmetric and symmetric axosomatic synapses. A dense plexus of terminals occurs on the proximal dendrites of GABAergic neurons, and most of these terminals form asymmetric axodendritic contacts. Small GABAergic neurons (diameter less than 15 microns) are multipolar, and have a large nucleus to cytoplasm ratio, prominent nucleoli and usually two to five axosomatic synapses per thin section, with the majority of these contacts being symmetric. Medium-sized GABAergic neurons (15-25 microns in diameter) display both multipolar and fusiform shaped somata, have a more abundant cytoplasm than the small neurons and show about ten axosomatic contacts per thin section. Large GABAergic neurons (diameters greater than 25 microns) have eccentrically located, highly infolded nuclei, abundant cytoplasm and a denser plexus of terminals that form axosomatic synapses than the other cell types. These results indicate that four of the six major cell types in the ICCN are probably GABAergic inhibitory neurons. The axon initial segments of GABAergic neurons in the ICCN all have similar features in that they are contacted by only one or two terminals that form symmetric synapses on their proximal portions and are invested by a glial sheath from 3 to 20 microns from the cell body. Many immunoreactive myelinated axons (approximately 0.5 micron in diameter) are observed and some terminals that arise from these axons form synapses with small neuronal somata. Both these and other labelled terminals are shown to form symmetric synapses. These data suggest a complex circuitry for the GABAergic neurons within the ICCN

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