Review of a compilation process: a map package based on 15 individual geological maps of Ceres


One aim of the NASA Dawn mission was to generate global geologic maps of the asteroid Vesta and the dwarf planet Ceres. The geological mapping campaign of Vesta was completed and results have been published in e.g. [1]. Recently also geologic mapping of Ceres has been completed. The tiling used in this mapping project is based on recommendations by [2], and is divided into two parts (for Ceres described in [3,4]): four overview quadrangles (Survey Orbit, 415 m/pixel) and 15 more detailed quadrangles (High Altitude Mapping HAMO, 140 m/pixel). The atlases are available to the public through the Dawn webpage ( and the NASA Planetary Data System (PDS) ( The first global geologic map at a scale of 1:2.5 M is based on survey and HAMO images [5]. A more detailed view could be expected within the 15 quadrangles (HAMO tiles, [4]) which were completed by the Low Altitude Mapping (LAMO) data (over 31,300 clear filter images during 11 cycles, 35 m/pixel). Based on these data a global mosaic was created that serves as basis for a high-resolution LAMO atlas that consists of 62 tiles mapped at a scale of 1:250K [6, availability see links above] and was also used as basemap for the mapping project

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