Preconception Health Knowledge among Undergraduate Women


Preconception health is a woman’s health before she becomes pregnant. It means knowing and understanding how preexisting health conditions and risk factors could affect a woman or her unborn child if she becomes pregnant (Office on Women’s Health, 2010). This study examined undergraduate students’ knowledge of recommended preconception health practices. A paper survey was distributed to general education classes in health, sociology, and family consumer science. This 33-item survey assessed demographics, barriers to practicing recommended preconception health behaviors, and knowledge of preconception health practices. Analyses included frequencies, independent t-test, and ANOVA. Respondents had a mean score of 42.85 (2.68) on the knowledge section of the survey; indicating that respondents had a high level of knowledge regarding preconception health practices and information. Respondents’ knowledge scores were statistically correlated with their preconception health practices and behaviors (r=.176, p=.000). As knowledge scores increased, preconception health practice and behaviors scores also increased. When analyzing participants’ current health behaviors as they relate to preconception health, it was found that most students are engaging in healthy behaviors

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