Experiments on cold atom systems in which a lattice potential is ramped up on
a confined cloud have raised intriguing questions about how the temperature
varies along isentropic curves, and how these curves intersect features in the
phase diagram. In this paper, we study the isentropic curves of two models of
magnetic phase transitions- the classical Blume-Capel Model (BCM) and the Fermi
Hubbard Model (FHM). Both Mean Field Theory (MFT) and Monte Carlo (MC) methods
are used. The isentropic curves of the BCM generally run parallel to the phase
boundary in the Ising regime of low vacancy density, but intersect the phase
boundary when the magnetic transition is mainly driven by a proliferation of
vacancies. Adiabatic heating occurs in moving away from the phase boundary. The
isentropes of the half-filled FHM have a relatively simple structure, running
parallel to the temperature axis in the paramagnetic phase, and then curving
upwards as the antiferromagnetic transition occurs. However, in the doped case,
where two magnetic phase boundaries are crossed, the isentrope topology is
considerably more complex