General Aviation Trends in the European Market Memorandum Report


In 1969, as western Europe was becoming a common market, significant economic growth was projected. His Highness, The Aga Kahn requested that Economics Research Associates (ERA) perform a memorandum report and forecast the trends for private aviation potentials in Europe over the decade of the 1970s. The resulting report by ERA reviews the history of European aviation, current and future economic trends in the common European market area as these pertain to the growth of private aviation, advantages and disadvantages involved in noncommercial flying, and future trends in private aviation. Data was gathered from such sources as aviation publications, interviews with persons connected with private aviation, and market studies and projections of commercial organizations. The report includes the following sections: 1) introduction, 2) summary and conclusions, 3) the western European economy, 4) general aviation, 5) general aviation and future trends in aviation design, 6) impact of general aviation on tourism. The report includes four tables

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