One of the current issue in global education has changed to the paradigm of local wisdomconcept. This trend was caused by the failure of “modern” concept of education which is notable to humanize the human. For several years educators have conducted teaching andlearning process in formal schools but some of them still failed in educating their students.The failure of modern concept of education has made many researchers to do research inlocal wisdom concept because this concept was considered as an alternative to answer thequestion. Years ago Minangkabau people were educated in surau as an informal school.Many great persons have been produced in surau. The concept of education in surau is veryinteresting because learners are educated in three main subjects namely religion, culture andthe knowledge of social life aspects. These subjects become a basic knowledge for learnersso that they are beeing well-prepared in facing this life. This article tries to propose theconcept and how to apply the concept of surau in modern life. The concept will be applied ina model of long distance learning of surau. Informational technology will have significantrole to apply this concept where all learners can learn as if they were in surau. Longdistance learning has helped many people in learning. It has no reason for modern peoplenot to learn in surau because surau has been created in their home