
Chemosensory influences on eating and drinking, and their cognitive mediation


Contents (headings of main sections of the Chapter). \ud Introduction. \ud Excitation and Inhibition of Ingestion by Level of Sweetness. \ud Learnt Preferences for Levels of Sweetness. \ud The Learnt Peak of Preference for Level of Sweetener. \ud The Peak of Learnt Facilitation by Any Sensory Factor. \ud Missing the [Ideal] Point. \ud Ingestive Appetite and Food Preference Responses. \ud Each Food Has a Different Taste. \ud Cognitive Mechanisms That Convert Sensing into Ingesting. \ud Gustatory Configurations in Ingestion. \ud Olfactory Configurations in Ingestion. \ud Flavour. \ud Long-term effects of taste on nutrition. \ud Conclusions. \ud References

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