A clinical study of acute scrotal swellings


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Acute scrotal swellings though commonly encountered, many a times an accurate diagnosis is not made and the precious testis is sacrificed. AIM OF THE STUDY: 1. To study the incidence of etiological factors which cause acute scrotal swelling. 2. To study the correlation of clinical features with operative findings. 3. To study the distribution among different occupation and age groups. 4. To study the different modalities of management of different etiologies. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients reporting to outpatient department of General surgery with acute swelling and pain in scrotum, patients admitted as inpatient for same complaints or any other patients presenting with similar complaints during some other ailment from April 2014 to September 2014. Age, occupation, clinical features, duration, investigations, different etiologies, operative findings, postoperative complications will be documented and analysed. RESULTS: Epididymo-orchitis was found in 32 cases, followed by Epididymitis in10 cases and Pyocele in10 cases. The maximum incidence occurred in the 3rd decade. Similar complaints in the past and urinary symptoms are predominant predisposing factors. The average duration of symptoms in case of epididymo-orchitis was 6.06 days, whereas in Fournier’s gangrene it was 3 days. Urine analysis and hemogram were inconclusive but supportive. Ultrasound of scrotum was diagnostic in most cases. The average period of hospitalisation was found to be more in Fournier’s gangrene (21.75 days). CONCLUSION: The commonest etiology leading to acute scrotal condition is epididymo-orchitis followed by epididymitis and pyocele. History of similar complaints in the past and urinary symptoms are the predominant predisposing factors. Investigations are not conclusive but supportive. Acute scrotal swellings affect the whole life of the patient in the aspect of sterility. So, it needs meticulous examination, proper evaluation and aggressive management

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